Daniel Martin Katz
{ Scientist , Technologist , Professor }
Professor of Law
Illinois Tech - Chicago Kent College of Law
Academic Director
The Law Lab @ Illinois Tech - Chicago Kent Law
Bucerius Center for Legal Technology & Data Science
273 Ventures (Founded 2022)
LexPredict (Acquired by Elevate in 2018)
Blog: ComputationalLegalStudies.com
Corp: LexPredict.com
Twitter: @computational
Email: daniel.martin.katz@gmail.com
Ph.D. Political Science & Public Policy, University of Michigan (2011)
J.D. University of Michigan Law School (2005)
M.P.P. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan (2005)
B.S. University of Oregon (2000)
Research Interests
Research Interests include legal informatics, applied legal technology, law & economics, legal & regulatory complexity, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence & law, machine learning & natural language processing, complex systems, network science, governance, financial regulation, financial technology, quantitative finance, quantitative modeling of litigation and jurisprudence, economics of the professions, blockchain & crypto infrastructure and the overall impact of information technology, analytics and automation on the future of society.
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Selected Publications
Professor Katz has published or forthcoming work in a wide variety of academic outlets, including Science, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Plos One, Scientific Reports, Journal of Statistical Physics, Europhysics Letters, Frontiers in Physics, Physica A, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Proceedings of the ACL and Artificial Intelligence & Law. In addition, his work has been published in legal journals including Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy, Emory Law Journal, Virginia Tax Review, Iowa Law Review, Illinois Law Review, Ohio State Law Journal, Journal of Law & Politics, and Journal of Legal Education. Professor Katz is the co-editor of a volume entitled Legal Informatics (Cambridge University Press - 2021).
Affiliated Faculty, CodeX - Stanford Center for Legal Informatics
Editorial Board, Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Law
(Springer Scientific)
Editorial Board, Cambridge Forum on AI: Law and Governance
(Cambridge University Press)
ABA Journal Legal Rebel
Fastcase 50
COLPM Fellow
IDEAS-IGERT National Science Foundation Fellowship, University of Michigan, Center for the Study of Complex Systems, 2009-2011
Fellow in Empirical Legal Studies, University of Michigan Law School, 2009-2011
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University Wide Award, 2009
(Awarded to the Top Teaching Assistants @ The University of Michigan)
Academic + Industry Presentations
I have recent or forthcoming presentations of my work at the following institutions: Oxford Law, Stanford Law, Michigan Law, UChicago Law, Georgetown Law, Texas Law, Vanderbilt Law, Emory Law, Minnesota Law, Illinois Law, Colorado Law, Houston Law, Fordham Law, San Diego Law, UToronto Law, WashU Law, Indiana Law, Kansas Law, Arizona State Law, Notre Dame Law, BYU Law, UCL Law, Singapore Management University Law, IE Law, Bucerius Law, George Mason Law, Oregon Law and Santa Clara Law
I have also spoken at The World Bank, European Central Bank, Harvard Kennedy School, MIT Media Lab, UPenn Linguistics, Princeton CITP, NYU Stern, Berkeley Hass, Oxford (Oriel College), Santa Fe Institute, IIT-Delhi, ETH Zurich Physics, Gruter Institute, Oberlin Computer Science and Duke Computer Science.
I have given industry talks including at Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Conference, The Economist GC Summit, The Legal Tech Fund Summit, LegalTechNYC, ILTACon, British Legal Technology Forum, LexPo Amsterdam, LegalTech Asia, ReInventLaw Conferences, ArkGroup Legal Analytics, Legal IT Leaders Forum, LegalWeek Technology Forum, Legal Marketing Association, College of Law Practice Management, Thomson Reuters Law Firm Leaders Forum, LMA Tech, Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC) and at many law firm retreats and other corporate counsel leadership events.
< Click Here > for a Subset of Recent Talks
Law.Tech & Business of Law
I am actively involved in the rapidly growing legal technology industry. I recently co-founded 273 Ventures - a legal AI company who is building the next generation Kelvin Legal Data Operating System. I was previously the Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer of LexPredict (a legal technology and data analytics company that was acquired by Elevate in 2018). I also serve as a formal and informal advisor to a number of legal tech startups. In addition, I previously served on the advisory board of NextLaw Labs - a global collaborative innovation ecosystem organized with Dentons (the world’s largest law firm).
My work has been featured in publications including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Wired Magazine, MIT Technology Review, Bloomberg, 538.com, Vox, U.S. News & World Report, Huffington Post, Slate Magazine, National Public Radio, BBC Radio, The American Lawyer, ABA Journal, National Law Journal, Law Technology News, California Lawyer, CBA National Magazine (Canada), Legal Futures (UK), Law Society Gazette (UK), The Globe and Mail (Canada), El País (Spain), Le Monde (France), Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan), The Times of India (India), The Australian (Aus), Sydney Morning Herald (Aus), Expansión (Spain), Die Welt (Germany), Die Presse (Austria), The Daily Mail (UK), The Sunday Times (UK), The Guardian (UK), The Straits Times (Singapore), El Economista (Mexico) & Folha de S.Paulo (Brazil).