Projects in Progress

Michael J Bommarito, Daniel Martin Katz & Jillian Bommarito, KL3M Tokenizers: A Family of Domain-Specific and Character-Level Tokenizers for Legal, Financial, and Preprocessing Applications < SSRN > < arXiv >

Daniel Martin Katz, Dirk Hartung, Lauritz Gerlach, Abhik Jana & Michael Bommarito, Natural Language Processing in the Legal Domain < SSRN >

Jillian Bommarito, Michael J Bommarito, Jessica Katz & Daniel Martin Katz, GPT as Knowledge Worker: A Zero-Shot Evaluation of (AI)CPA CapabilitiesSSRN > < arXiv >

Daniel Martin Katz
, Michael Bommarito, Tyler Sollinger & James Ming Chen, Law on the Market? Abnormal Stock Returns and Supreme Court Decision-Making SSRN > < arXiv < Slides

Daniel Martin Katz, Michael Bommarito & Josh Blackman, Crowdsourcing Accurately and Robustly Predicts Supreme Court Decisions  < SSRN > < arXiv > < Slides >

Selected Publications

Moriya Dechtiar, Daniel Martin Katz & Hongming Wang, Software Engineering Meets Legal Texts: LLMs for Auto Detection of Contract Smells,  20 Machine Learning with Applications (2025 Forthcoming) < Elsevier >

Pierpaolo Vivo, Daniel Martin Katz & J. B. Ruhl, CompLex: Legal Systems Through the Lens of Complexity Science, 149 Europhysics Letters 22001 (2025) < Europhysics Letters >

Daniel Martin Katz, Michael Bommarito, Shang Gao & Pablo David Arredondo, GPT-4 Passes the Bar Exam, 382 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (2024) < Phil Transactions A >

Corinna Coupette, Dirk Hartung, & Daniel Martin KatzLegal Hypergraphs, 382 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (2024) < Phil Transactions A >

Ilias Chalkidis, Nicolas Garneau, Catalina Goanta, Daniel Martin Katz & Anders Søgaard, LeXFiles and LegalLAMA: Facilitating English Multinational Legal Language Model Development, In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the ACL - Association for Computational Linguistics (2023) < ACL 2023 > < arXiv >

Corinna Coupette, Dirk Hartung, Janis Beckedorf, Maximilian Bother & Daniel Martin Katz, Law Smells - Defining and Detecting Problematic Patterns in Legal Drafting, 30 Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Law (2022)  < Springer > < SSRN

Ilias Chalkidis, Abhik Jana, Dirk Hartung, Michael Bommarito, Ion Androutsopoulos, Daniel Martin Katz & Nikolaos Aletras, LexGLUE: A Benchmark Dataset for Legal Language Understanding in English, In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the ACL - Association for Computational Linguistics (2022) < ACL 2022 > < arXiv >  < SSRN >

Daniel Martin Katz, Ron Dolin & Michael Bommarito (Editors), Legal Informatics, Cambridge University Press (2021) < Cambridge >

Corinna Coupette, Janis Beckedorf, Dirk Hartung, Michael Bommarito, & Daniel Martin KatzMeasuring Law Over Time: A Network Analytical Framework with an Application to Statutes and Regulations in the United States and Germany, 9 Front. Phys. 658463 (2021) < Frontiers in Physics > < Supplemental Material >

Michael Bommarito, Daniel Martin Katz & Eric Detterman,  LexNLP: Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction For Legal and Regulatory Texts in Research Handbook on Big Data Law (Edward Elgar Press) (Roland Vogl, ed.) (2021) < Edward Elgar > < Github > < SSRN > < arXiv >

Daniel Martin Katz, Legal Innovation (Book Forward) in Mapping Legal Innovation: Trends and Perspectives (Springer) (Antoine Masson & Gavin Robinson, eds.) (2021) < Springer >

Daniel Martin Katz, Corinna Coupette, Janis Beckedorf & Dirk Hartung, Complex Societies and the Growth of the Law, 10 Scientific Reports 18737 (2020) < Nature Research >  < Supplemental Material >

Edward D. Lee, Daniel Martin Katz, Michael J. Bommarito II, Paul Ginsparg, Sensitivity of Collective Outcomes Identifies Pivotal Components, 17 Journal of the Royal Society Interface 167 (2020) < Journal of the Royal Society Interface > < Supplemental Material >

Michael Bommarito, Daniel Martin Katz & Eric Detterman,  OpenEDGAR: Open Source Software for SEC EDGAR Analysis,  MIT Computational Law Report (2020) < MIT Law > < Github >

J.B. Ruhl & Daniel Martin Katz, Mapping the Law with Artificial Intelligence in Law of Artificial Intelligence and Smart Machines (ABA Press) (2019) < ABA Press >

J.B. Ruhl & Daniel Martin Katz, Harnessing the Complexity of Legal Systems for Governing Global Challenges in Global Challenges, Governance, and Complexity (Edward Elgar) (2019) < Edward Elgar >

J.B. Ruhl & Daniel Martin Katz, Mapping Law’s Complexity with 'Legal Maps' in Complexity Theory and Law: Mapping an Emergent Jurisprudence (Taylor & Francis) (2018) < Taylor & Francis > 

Michael Bommarito & Daniel Martin KatzMeasuring and Modeling the U.S. Regulatory Ecosystem, 168 Journal of Statistical Physics 1125 (2017) J Stat Phys 

Daniel Martin Katz, Michael Bommarito & Josh Blackman, A General Approach for Predicting the Behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States, PLoS ONE 12(4): e0174698 (2017) < PLoS One >

J.B. Ruhl, Daniel Martin Katz & Michael Bommarito, Harnessing Legal Complexity, 355 Science 1377 (2017) < Science > 

J.B. Ruhl & Daniel Martin Katz, Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Legal Complexity, 101 Iowa Law Review 191 (2015) < SSRN >

Paul Lippe, Daniel Martin Katz & Dan Jackson, Legal by Design: A New Paradigm for Handling Complexity in Banking Regulation and Elsewhere in Law, 93 Oregon Law Review 831 (2015) < SSRN >

Paul Lippe, Jan Putnis, Daniel Martin Katz & Ian Hurst, How Smart Resolution Planning Can Help Banks Improve Profitability And Reduce Risk, Banking Perspective Quarterly (2015)  < SSRN >

Daniel Martin Katz, The MIT School of Law? A Perspective on Legal Education in the 21st Century, Illinois Law Review 1431 (2014) < SSRN > < Slides >

Daniel Martin Katz & Michael Bommarito, Measuring the Complexity of the Law: The United States Code, 22 Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Law 1 (2014)  < Springer > < SSRN >

Daniel Martin Katz, Quantitative Legal Prediction - or - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Preparing for the Data Driven Future of the Legal Services Industry,  62 Emory Law Journal 909 (2013)  < SSRN >

Daniel Martin Katz, Joshua Gubler, Jon Zelner, Michael Bommarito, Eric Provins & Eitan Ingall, Reproduction of Hierarchy? A Social Network Analysis of the American Law Professoriate, 61 Journal of Legal Education 76 (2011) < SSRN >

Michael Bommarito, Daniel Martin Katz & Jillian Isaacs-See, An Empirical Survey of the Written Decisions of the United States Tax Court (1990-2008), 30 Virginia Tax Review 523 (2011)  < SSRN >

Daniel Martin Katz, Michael Bommarito, Juile Seaman, Adam Candeub, Eugene Agichtein, Legal N-Grams? A Simple Approach to Track the Evolution of Legal Language  in Proceedings of JURIX: The 24th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (2011)   < SSRN > 

Daniel Martin Katz & Derek Stafford, Hustle and Flow: A Social Network Analysis of the American Federal Judiciary, 71 Ohio State Law Journal 457 (2010)  < SSRN >

Michael Bommarito & Daniel Martin KatzA Mathematical Approach to the Study of the United States Code, 389 Physica A 4195 (2010)  < SSRN > < arXiv > 

Michael Bommarito, Daniel Martin Katz & Jonathan Zelner, On the Stability of Community Detection Algorithms on Longitudinal Citation Data in Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (2010) < SSRN > < arXiv > 

Michael Bommarito, Daniel Martin Katz, Jonathan Zelner & James Fowler, Distance Measures for Dynamic Citation Networks 389 Physica A 4201 (2010)  < SSRN > < arXiv > 

Michael Bommarito, Daniel Martin Katz & Jonathan Zelner, Law as a Seamless Web? Comparing Various Network Representations of the United States Supreme Court Corpus (1791-2005)  in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (2009) < SSRN > 

Marvin Krislov & Daniel Martin Katz, Taking State Constitutions Seriously, 17 Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy 295 (2008)  < SSRN >

Daniel Martin Katz, Derek Stafford & Eric Provins, Social Architecture, Judicial Peer Effects and the 'Evolution' of the Law: Toward a Positive Theory of Judicial Social Structure, 23 Georgia State Law Review 975 (2008)  < SSRN >

Daniel Martin Katz, Institutional Rules, Strategic Behavior and the Legacy of Chief Justice William Rehnquist: Setting the Record Straight on Dickerson v. United States, 22 Journal of Law & Politics 303 (2006)  < SSRN >